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Saturday, March 29, 2008

VoIP Features - A Lot of Extras for Free

I've been using VoIP internet phone service as my "one and only home phone service" for nearly a year now and absolutely LOVE it. Not only does VoIP save me a ton of money, but I get all sorts of free features that I never thought I'd use. I never knew how great extra features would be until I tried them, and now there are some that I just can't live without. The really neat thing about VoIP service is that providers keep adding new features for no extra charge! I'm quickly becoming a fan of new features - especially when they don't cost me any extra! I'm normally not one for a lot of bells and whistles that I know I'll never use, but some of the new goodies that Packet8 added recently are just fabulous.

For example, VOICEMAIL TO EMAIL NOTIFICATION is really sweet. As with all features, you manage this one via the online account management center ("command central" as I refer to it). You simply check a button to enable this and enter your email address. Now when I'm at work and get a voicemail on my home phone, I get an email from Packet8 that includes an audio file with the voicemail! I never have to miss a phone call again, and have the added benefit of being able to file away saved messages and forward messages to whoever I choose. This is a very cool feature!

Another useful feature is called NETWORK UNAVAILABLE FORWARDING. When enabled, if all phone calls that come in while your internet connection is down are automatically forwarded to another number. I use my cell phone for the forwarding number and never miss a call. Interestingly enough, my internet connection has only gone down once in the last year, and wouldn't you know it - it went down again 3 days after I enabled network unavailable forwarding. Because the internet connection was down, my VoIP phone was down too; but I never missed a call! Again, you turn this feature on in the account management center and enter a phone number that you want your calls forwarded to. This is a really handy feature and I think it will be especially great during those severe weather months when the power tends to go out a lot.

FOLLOW ME FIND ME is an interesting new feature that has the potential to be useful at times. When activated at the "command central", you can enter in up to five different phone numbers in the order you want them to ring. The idea is that if you don't answer your VoIP phone, the next number you designate (can be cell phone, another VoIP phone or a PSTN "land line" phone) will ring. If that phone isn't answered the next number in your list will ring, etc... I will probably only use this feature if I'm expecting a really important call, or maybe if someone close to me is ill and I need to take care not to miss a call.

Another feature that I think has some possibility for limited use is called SIMULTANEOUS RINGING ON MULTIPLE PHONE NUMBERS. When you activate this one, you enter in one or more phone numbers that you want to ring at the same time as your VoIP phone. I think this might be useful if you were frequently traveling between two or more places and wanted to be certain not to miss any calls. This might be a good safety feature to use if you're on vacation and want to make sure someone always answers the phone. The caller will never know that no one's home.

All VoIP providers offer a good feature package, but some companies give you more than others do. To quickly compare the price and features of several top VoIP internet phone service providers, see If you're looking into purchasing VoIP service, check out the latest coupons and special offers at:

Debbie Jacobsen is an IT professional and creator of - an informative website about internet phone service as well as a comparison of VoIP providers

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